The More Moose MembersSave for themselves the greater the gift for Moose Charities.

Joe Norman  JDN LLC

-West Holmes HS Grad 1975          -Indiana University Grad 1979  

-All Big Ten Linebacker '77 & '78    -All American 1978

Played in:  Hula Bowl & Japan Bowls 1979         Named MVP of the Japan Bowl

45th player selected in the 1979 (NFL) National Football League draft by the Seattle Seahawks. Starting middle linebacker until career was cut short due to a series of knee injuries.

                             * Holmes County Hall of Fame Inductee               * Indiana University Hall of Fame Inductee 2009.

Hello Michigan Moose Members,

Dave Coffey Here,

We all have an extraordinary opportunity to raise money for our charities, by saving money for ourselves. That’s right, I said “by saving money for ourselves”.

I want to encourage all our members to follow my example and open a FREE Karatbars personal savings account and start saving each month for their own benefit.

By saving each month, we will start a healthy financial habit for ourselves personally, and Karatbars will provide an ongoing donation to Michigan Moose charities for each dollar we save for ourselves.


Dave Coffey

Territory Manager Moose International 

Please click on the link below, and follow the easy instructions to get started, now.

Now that you have your FREE karatbars account, the following videos will show you how to activate and make deposits to your account.


How To Make Deposits

Congratulations and thanks for taking the steps to ensure your financial security and helping Moose Charities at the same time.

Link to Karatbar1 page